Questions to get you started



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These questions underneath are intended to make you start thinking about the past.


In remembering the past, it is often difficult to think of where to start.

One does not know “what could be of interest” to others, looking back, one has just “lead one’s ordinary life” and many believe that there is “not much to tell really”.


To overcome these problems, we have come up with the following questions.

Just go through them and have a think.

Even if you cannot (and you do not have to) answer many of them,

they should get you started in thinking of the past

and you’ll be surprised how many interesting things will come to mind.


You can then start recording or writing down what you most want to tell us.

In doing that, try just to tell us what you remember for yourself

and do not look up/double check things in books etc. (If you know a good book though, please let us have the details (title, author etc.) of that, or send a copy if only a small part of it is of interest.)


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Start-up Questions



To get a Word copy of the copyright release form please click here:




Hauke & Sushmita Wiebe

2/1, Portland Terrace


United Kingdom

Tel.: +44-(0)131-553.44.00



 These questions underneath are intended to make you start thinking about the past.


In remembering the past, it is often difficult to think of where to start. One does not know “what could be of interest” to others, looking back, one has just “lead one’s ordinary life” and many believe that there is “not much to tell really”.


To overcome these problems, we have come up with the following questions. Just go through them and have a think.

Even if you cannot (and you do not have to) answer many of them, they should get you started in thinking of the past and you’ll be surprised how many interesting things will come to mind.


You can then start recording or writing down what you most want to tell us. In doing that, try just to tell us what you remember for yourself and do not look up/double check things in books etc. (If you know a good book though, please let us have the details (title, author etc.) of that, or send a copy if only a small part of it is of interest.)   


Start-up Questions


 Arriving in Calcutta (if you are not from Calcutta originally)__________________________________

                When did you first come to the city?                                                How did you make you way to the city?

                What did you know about Calcutta before you came?                 What was your first impression?

                What did you dislike most?                                                                               What did you enjoy most?


Your Accommodation__________________________________________________________________

                Describe the place where you were living?                   What kind of neighbours did you have?

                Did you have servants?      What were they like?           What was the neighbourhood like?

                Any trouble?                          What did you eat?                What was the health situation like?


Occupation & Money___________________________________________________________________

                What did you or you family do to earn a living?              What was their typical day like?

                Did you go to school/University?                                      Where and what was it like?

                What was your economic situation?                                               What prices do you remember?

                What things did you buy / or wanted to buy and where?


India & You ___________________________________________________________________________

                What were your relations with other Indians?

                What were your relations with the British?

                Were you aware of other ethnic groups living in Calcutta? i.e. Jews, Armenian, Chinese, etc.?


Festivals & Events_____________________________________________________________________

                Did we ever take part in any religious festivals, or other unusual events?


Enjoying Free Time____________________________________________________________________

                What did you do in the evenings/weekends?                                Did you go out?    If so, where to?

                Did you meet friends?        Did you go dancing/to the cinema/to restaurant/to clubs etc.?

                What was the food like?     Did you ever go on trips outside the city?


Summing up__________________________________________________________________________

                What upsets you/ makes you happy most when you think back to those times?


Historic Events & Famous People________________________________________________________

                Can you remember meeting any famous people?      How did you hear of the news?

                Did you see any evidence of political agitation?           Did you hear of political groups at the time?

                Did you notice anyone involved in politics or did other campaigning? What did you think of them?

                What was your view of British colonial rule in India?

                Did you see any war damage/rioting/famine in Calcutta?


Leaving Calcutta (if you ever left Calcutta for a longer time)___________________________________

                When did you leave?          How did you leave Calcutta?             How did you feel about leaving?

                What did you miss most?                  Are you still in contact with others of your time in Calcutta?

                Did you ever come back?                  If so, what did you feel on returning to the city?


Also have a look through our website and see if it triggers any memories.


Please send anything in letter form of by e-mail to:


Calcutta 1940s

c/o Hauke & Sushmita Wiebe

   2/1, Portland Terrace


   United Kingdom





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Copyright Release


To get a Word copy of the copyright release form please click here:






Hauke & Sushmita Wiebe

2/1, Portland Terrace


United Kingdom

Tel.: +44-(0)131-553.44.00






The purpose of this assignment and consent is to enable the Calcutta 1940 project to permanently retain and use the recorded recollections of individuals.


In respect of the content of a sound recording made by and, or, being deposited with the Calcutta1940s Project, consisting of the recollections of a contributor and constituting a literary work as defined by the Copyright, Designs & Patents Act 1988:





As present owner of the copyright in the contributor content

(i.e. the words spoken by the interviewee), I hereby assign such copyright to the Calcutta 1940 Project. I hereby waive any moral rights which I presently own in relation to this work on the understanding that the content will not be used in a derogatory manner and that the author of the contribution will be correctly identified in all uses of it. I understand that no payment is due to me for this assignment and consent. In assigning my copyright, I understand that


I am giving Calcutta1940s the right to use and make available the content of the recorded interview in the following ways:

Ψ        use in schools, universities, colleges and other educational establishments, including use in a thesis, dissertation or similar research

Ψ        public performance, lectures or talks

Ψ        use in publications, including print, audio or video cassettes or CD ROM

Ψ        public reference purposes in libraries, museums & record offices

Ψ        use on radio or television

Ψ        publication worldwide on the internet


Signed: ……………………………………………  Date: …………………………….……...

(Print name):










Postcode ………………………………….. Telephone: ……………………….…………….


Email: ……………………………………..


Do you want your name to be disclosed? YES/NO


Brief details of deposited material (if previously recorded by other than Calcutta1940s, indicate name of recordist):





Calcutta1940s use

Signed on behalf of Calcutta1940s …………………………………………………………………..…

(Print name): …………………………Hauke WIEBE………………………………………….……….

Subject of deposit: ………………………………………………………………………………………..

Accession number/name: ……………………………………………………………………………..…

© in sound recording also assigned ? YES/NO or N/A


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Contributor Detail Sheet


To find out more about people submitting material to us, we have set up this Intro-Questionnaire.  The data will be used for research purposes, as well as allowing us to contact people to get further details or clear up misunderstandings in submissions.


Whenever you submit any material to us, we would be very happy if you could add a filled in Into-Questionnaire to it.  This would then allow us to process your material much better and improve our research of it.  If there are any points of interest for instance, we could contact you, and ask you to elaborate on certain topics we want to know more about.


Before you fill in the Into-Questionnaire we hope you can have a quick look though the paragraph below and consider the two following very important issues.


Name (see anonymity) ______________________________________


When where you born ? _____________________________________


male [  ],  female [  ]


Where / how can we contact you?








In which language would you like us to contact you?

English [  ],  Bengali [  ],  Hindi [  ],  Other (Please specify: ____________)


When did you come to Calcutta?




When did you leave Calcutta?




Where in or around Calcutta did you live at the time?

(Please specify: ___________________________________________)


Which ethnic community would you consider yourself to be a part of?

Bengali [  ] - Hindu [  ],  Muslim [  ],  Sched. Caste [  ],  East Bengali [  ],  Kolkatan [  ]

Other Bengali [  ],  (Please specify: _____________________________)


Bihari [  ],  Orissan [  ],  Assamese [  ],  Nepali [  ],  Marwari [  ]

Other Indian [  ],  (Please specify: ______________________________)


British [  ],  other European/American [  ],  (Please specify: ___________)


Anglo Indian [  ],  Jewish [  ],  Armenian [  ],  Parsee [  ],  Greek [  ],  Chinese [  ]

Other [  ],   (Please specify: ___________________________________)


What did you do in Calcutta? (please tick)

Military [  ],  Police [  ],  Civil servant [  ],  Worker [  ],  Framer [  ],  Housewife [  ], 

Professional [  ],  (Please specify: ____________________________)

Commercial [  ],  (Which industry? ____________________________)

Student [  ],  School pupil [  ], 

Other [  ],  (Please specify: __________________________________)



Please send the filled in form to:

Calcutta 1940s

c/o Hauke & Sushmita Wiebe

   2/1, Portland Terrace


   United Kingdom



simply e-mail them as an attachment to :










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